Kindergarten Registration

REgister by May 2 for a free Garfield Elementary t-shirt

Students MUST be 5 years old on/by September 30, 2025, to enroll.  

Welcome! This is an exciting time, and we want to help make registration simple for you. The information below will help you through the process of signing up for Kindergarten. It is very important to follow the steps carefully so that everything is completed. If you need clarification at any time, please call the Garfield Elementary office to ask your question.

Registration Details

All registration must be completed online through Final Forms

Once registration is complete in FinalForms, please call Garfield Elementary at (330)532-3301 to schedule a time to bring all necessary paperwork to finalize registration. Appointments will be on a first come, first serve basis.

Registration will run from March 17, 2025, to June 13, 2025.

Documents Needed

  • Parent/Guardian Government Issued ID

  • Official Certified Birth Certificate

  • Immunization or Shot Record

  • Custody Papers (if applicable)

  • Proof of Residency

How to Register A Student in FinalForms

Access FinalForms with your New or Existing Account by clicking the "Begin Registration" button at the bottom of this page.

  • Click + ADD STUDENT for your first child.

  • Select NEXT YEAR when asked "Which School Year are you Registering for?"

  • Select Kindergarten when asked "Which Grade are you registering for?"

  • Click "Continue to Registration."

  • Type the student's LEGAL NAME and other required information.

  • Then, click CREATE STUDENT

Complete each form and sign your full name in the parent signature field on each page. After signing each page,  click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form.

When ALL forms are complete, you will see a ‘Forms Finished’ message.

Parents without Existing FinalForm Accounts

Parents who Do Not have any students enrolled in Wellsville Local Schools will need to create a New Account before registering a student.

Follow these steps to create your account.

  1. Go to FinalForms for Wellsville Schools

  2. Click the New Account button for Parents

    NOTE: Make sure you have access to this email at all times. 

  4. Next, click REGISTER
    NOTE: You will receive an email within 2 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your


  5. Check your email
    Look for an ACCOUNT CONFIRMATION EMAIL from FinalFormsNOTE: If you do not

    receive an email, then check your spam folder. If you still can not locate the FinalForms email,

    then email informing our team of the issue.

  6. Click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT in the email you just received.

  7. Create your new FinalForms password. 
    NOTE: You will need to know this password in the future.

  8. Next, click CONFIRM ACCOUNT.

Parent New Account

Parents with Existing Accounts

Parents of students enrolled at or who receive services through Wellsville Local Schools, you will need to log into your FinalForms account that you previously created and update the information for your student. Please see the directions above for How to Register a Student in FinalForms.

Parent Access Existing

Not a WLSD student?

Open Enrollment is available!

Please click this button to begin the process.