March Breakfast and Lunch Menu

Kindergarten Sweets with Seuss! To celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday the kindergarteners invited their families to read and enjoy a Green Eggs and Ham inspired treat! 😊📚🍳💚

Yoga class in Mrs. McNicol’s Life Fitness Skills class.🧘♀️🧘♂️
Thank you Ms. Allison for your help!

Congratulations to the talented students who represented Wellsville Local Schools at the County Art Show. A special congratulations to Deviny, who won Best of Show!

Information about Kindergarten Registration

Help support WHS Cheerleaders! 🐯
Forms & money are due on March 11th
The paw design is a glitter-only option & it is included in the price.
Forms can be dropped off to Garfield if they are from the community.

Reminder - Wednesday, February 27th, is a district-wide early release day for all buildings. Students will be dismissed at 12:50 due to professional development meetings for all teachers and staff. #wltigertales

Wellsville Local Schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 20th.
In order to make up this calamity day due to snow, all students in the Wellsville Local School District must complete Day 2 of the Blizzard Bags. These can be found on the district website, by clicking on the menu, and finding your child’s school, and then clicking on Blizzard Bags. Or on the app, by clicking Documents, Blizzard Bags, then find your child’s school. All work is posted there. If you are unable to access the Blizzard Bags at home, students will receive a hard copy from their teacher upon returning to school.

Information about Daw's After School Program

Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Monday, February 18th!

5th grade students worked together to draw the solar system to scale. How cool! #wltigertales 💫🌎

MANDATORY OHSAA meeting for all Spring Athletes/Parents

Wellsville Local Schools will be CLOSED on Friday, February 1st.
In order to make up this calamity day due to snow, all students in the Wellsville Local School District must complete Day 1 of the Blizzard Bags. These can be found on the district website by clicking on the menu, and finding your child’s school, and then clicking on Blizzard Bags. All work is posted there.

On Friday, February 1st, Wellsville Local Schools will be operating on a 2-hour delay. #wltigertales

Wellsville Local Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, January 31st. Stay warm! #wltigertales

Wellsville Local Schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday, January 30th. Stay warm! #wltigertales

The District Spelling Bee will be February 7, 2019 at 1:30 P.M. at the High School. Students who are participating in grades 5-8 have been notified.

Tonight’s soccer practice at Garfield Elementary has been cancelled. #wltigertales

High School Sports Schedule Changes:
Boys JV game scheduled for January 29th has been cancelled. This game will be VARSITY only starting @ 7pm.
The girls game at Lisbon on Thursday, January 31st has been cancelled and moved to Friday, February 1st starting @ 5:30.

Boys & Girls Jr. High Basketball games for Wednesday, January 30th have been cancelled. Both games have been rescheduled for tomorrow January 29th @ Lisbon. #wltigertales